Important Information About Exam Certificate Collection

We still have a large number of certificates from last year (Summer 2023, and previous years) that have not yet been collected.
Former students can pop into Reception to collect their certificates. Please remember that photo ID will be required for all collections.
Please Note: SUMMER 2024 certificates will not be available until December 2024. These are certificates from SUMMER 2023 and pre-2023.
What you need to know:
- Photo ID Required: Bring a driving license, passport, college ID, or similar.
- Signature Required: Certificates must be signed for.
- Third-Party Collection: If you’d like a parent, sibling, or other family member to collect the certificates on your behalf, please email the Exams Office. Certificates cannot be released without written permission from the named certificate holder. Anyone collecting certificates will also need to show photo ID.
- Questions or Concerns: If you are unable to collect your certificates or have any questions, please contact the Exams Office.
Phone: 01579 342344 ext. 105
Please make sure to collect your certificates soon!