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Letter to Parents/Carers - 111122

Dear parents, carers and families

We have really enjoyed welcoming students back after half-term. As I walk around the school, I am so pleased to see routines developing which support students’ positive habits and contribute to our calm, purposeful learning environments.

Today, we stopped at 11:00 to observe our Act of Remembrance. It was powerful to see students attending in their service uniforms and to welcome the youngest members of our community from the nursery. Thank you to students who were representing Army Cadets, Air Force Cadets, St. John’s Ambulance and Scouts. Students and families are all welcome to join staff from the school at the Liskeard Act of Remembrance Parade and Civic Service. The parade will be leaving from the Cattle Market Car Park at 10:15 on Sunday, 13th November. If students wish to be part of the group representing the school, please dress smartly in school uniform and join meat 10.00 in the Cattle Market Car Park.

We are currently highlighting with students the importance of regular school attendance. It is crucial to successful learning and development. Please look out for an up-date about support and rewards for excellent attendance coming out next week. Please do come to our Sixth Form Open Evening on Thursday, 17th November from 17:30 to 19:30. We are so proud of the excellent teaching and personalised support our Sixth Form offers.

Finally, a reminder that the school will be closed to students for an INSET day on 25thNovember.

Yours faithfully

Dan Wendon
