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Key Personnel
- Mr Dan Wendon - Headteacher
Mr Chris Knipe - Deputy Headteacher
Ms Wendy Birkbeck - Assistant Headteacher and Head of Inclusion
Mrs Ingrid Ayres - Assistant Headteacher
Mr Stephen Clyde - Assistant Headteacher
Mrs Rebecca Challis - Assistant Headteacher
Mr Chris Pickles - Operations Manager
Mr Andy Glasgow - Head of Year 7
Mr Tom Downes - Head of Year 8
Mr Harry Beaugie - Head of Year 9
Mr Simon Pollard - Head of Year 10
Ms Helen Snowling - Head of Year 11
Mrs Nicky Hubartt - Head of Sixth Form
Ms Lisa Truesdale/Miss Shannon Atkins - Finance Manager
Mrs Rosemary Shufflebotham - Headteacher's PA
Mrs Corinne Holroyd - Children in Care Manager and Designated Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Dr Shilling - Head of English
Mrs Pheby - Assistant Head of English
Mrs Warner - Assistant Head of English
Mr Poole - Teacher of English
Mrs Archer - Teacher of Media & English (Head of Media)
Ms Brown - Teacher of English
Ms Ellison - Teacher of English
Ms Everett-Lindsay - Teacher of English / Restorative Practice Lead
Ms Hammond - Teacher of English
Mrs Snowling - Teacher of English
Mr Griffin - Teacher of English
Mrs Ollerenshaw - Head of Maths (Maths Mastery)
Mr Hallam - Assistant Head of Maths
Miss Bailey - Teacher of Maths
Dr Baker - Teacher of Maths
Miss Foss - Teacher of Maths
Mr Gluyas - Teacher of Maths
Mrs Hubartt - Teacher of Maths
Miss Lucas - Teacher of Maths
Mr North - Teacher of Maths
Mr Ong - Teacher of Maths
Mrs Curtis - Teacher of Maths
Mr Hayes - SEN Teacher & Maths
Mr Broad - Head of Science
Mrs Jennings - Assistant Head of Science
Mr Davis - Assistant Head of Science
Mr Baker - Teacher of Science
Ms Brogden - Teacher of Science
Mr Chruchward - Teacher of Science
Mr Inger - Teacher of Science (KS4 co-ordinator)
Miss Parker - Teacher of Science
Ms Tyrer - Teacher of Science
Ms Warren - Teacher of Science
Mr Wilton - Teacher of Science / Psychology
Design & Technology
Mr Bainbridge - Head of Technology
Ms Hoskin - Assistant Head of Technology
Ms Birkbeck - Teacher of Design and Technology
Miss Briggs - Teacher of Technology / Creative Arts
Ms Key - Teacher of Technology
Mrs Sweet - Teacher of Technology
Ms Ward - Teacher of Design and Technology
Humanities & Business
Mr Pollard - Head of History
Ms Clemow - Head of Ethics, Philosophy & World Views
Mrs Birkbeck - Teacher of Humanities
Mrs Dove - Teacher of Humanities
Mr Downes - Teacher of Humanities
Mr Glasgow - Teacher of Humanities
Mrs Sharp - Teacher of Humanities
Ms McCabe - Teacher of Humanities
Miss Pritchard -Teacher of Humanities
Mr Smith - Teacher of Humanities
Computing & Computer Science
Mr Morgan - Teacher of Computing (Key stage 3) and Computer Science (Key stage 4)
Mr Clyde - Teacher of Computing (Key stage 3)
Modern Foreign Languages
Mrs Williams - Head of MFL
Mrs Gilbey - Teacher of MFL
Mrs Lofthouse - Teacher of MFL
Mrs Ussher - Teacher of MFL
Mrs Ryley - Head of PE
Miss Rowe - Assistant Head of PE
Mr Lemin - Teacher of PE & Head of Outdoor Education/Challenge Week
Mr Beaugie - Teacher of PE
Ms Gray - Teacher of PE
Mr Nichols - Teacher of PE
Creative & Performing Arts
Mr Pascoe - Head of Creative Arts
Mrs Stoneham - Joint Head of Drama
Ms Farrow - Joint Head of Drama
Mr Bond - Joint Head of Music
Ms Warwick - Joint Head of Music
Miss Briggs - Teacher of Creative Arts
Mrs O'Shea - Teacher of Art & Photography
Mrs Schooling - Teacher of Art & Photography
Health & Social Care
Mrs Jeff - Teacher of Health & Social Care and Child Development
Mrs Lofthouse - Head of PSHE
Vocational Skills
Mr Smith - Head of Alternative Provision
Year Teams
- Mr Glasgow - Head of Year 7
Mr Downes - Head of Year 8
Mr Beaugie - Head of Year 9
Mr Pollard - Head of Year 10
Mrs Snowling - Head of Year 11
Mrs Hubartt - Head of Year 12/13
Miss Piriou - Assistant Head of Year 7
Mrs Truscott - Assistant Head of Year 8 & 9
Mrs Chapman - Assistant Head of Year 10 & 11
Mrs Fry - Sixth Form Study Coordinator and Extended Project Lead
Mrs Glossop - Sixth Form Administrator
Department of Learning Support / ARC
Mrs Rodber - ARC Operations Manager & DDSL
Mrs O'Connell - ARC Teacher, Maths and literacy/numeracy intervention
Mr Quaintance - SEND Teacher and DDSL
Mrs Holroyd - CiC Lead & DDSL
Mrs Chinn - HLTA, Specialist Support Practitioner (ARC)
Mrs Racca - Learning Centre Lead
Mr Deakin - Learning Support Co-ordinator
Support Staff
Mr Pickles - Operations Manager
Ms Truesdale/Miss Atkins - Finance Manager
Mrs Shufflebotham - PA to the Head Teacher
Mrs Powell-Jones - School Administrator
Mrs Knapman - Data Manager
Mrs Kitt - Exams Officer
Miss Rey Blasco - Education Welfare Officer & DDSL
Mrs Chapple - SEND/CP Administrator & DDSL
Mrs Cox - Attendance Officer
Mrs Hocking - Behaviour Manager
Mrs Hydes - Careers Lead & Advisor
Mrs Corrigan - Web and Publicity Officer
Ms Nelson-Tyrrell - Reprographics & Events Co-ordinator
Mrs Cory - Finance Officer
Mrs Gardian - Receptionist
Mrs Mitchell - Receptionist
Mrs Rees - School Health Officer
Mrs Ball - Pastoral Intervention Officer
Emotional Health & Well-being
- Mrs Lewis-Tuxford - Emotional Health & Wellbeing Champion
- Mrs Beswetherick - School Counsellor