Y11 GCSE Success Evening, Tuesday 6th February
Dear Parent/Carer
Y11 GCSE Success Evening, Tuesday 6th February, 18:00-19:00 hrs, New Hall
We would like to invite you and your child to our second Y11 GCSE Success Evening on Tuesday, 6th February in the New Hall from 18:00-19:00 hrs.
We will be sharing some helpful information about the year ahead, including what's happening in school as well as useful advice on how you can help your child at home in the build-up to GCSE exams in the summer of 2024. We will also have Heads of Faculty from English, Maths and Science to offer specific advice for the Core Subjects and there will be an opportunity afterwards to ask questions, if you have any.
We’re really looking forward to seeing you and your child on Tuesday, 6th February.
Y11 Progress Evening, Thursday 25th January
We’d also like to remind you about the Y11 Progress Evening this week, please do make appointments if you haven’t yet done so. It’s a great opportunity to have valuable conversations with your child’s teachers.
Kind regards
Ingrid Ayres
Assistant Headteacher