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Letter from the Headteacher - 10.02.23

Dear parents, carers and families

It has been a busy and successful half-term and I continue to be delighted by the positive attitudes and hard work of our students.

We have welcomed many visitors to the school this term. They have commented on the safe, orderly and purposeful atmosphere in classrooms and the excellent behaviour of students.

We have been working really hard with students to continue to underline the importance of kindness, courage and resilience in everything we do at school. Please do talk to your children about the assemblies they have had this term on a range of important topics: staying safe online, the importance of good manners and anti-bullying. If you have any concerns about bullying at school, please contact the school to request a call back or use our online reporting tool here – anyone can use it.

We are so proud of the brilliant work that our staff and students do every day. Do have a look at the fantastic highlights from the term on our Latest News feed and on Liskeard School and Community College Facebook page. If you would like to book an appointment to visit the school to see what we do, we would be happy to show you around – every day is an open day.

We have simplified our contact page on the school website. Please use the key contact named for each category, and we will get back to you as soon as possible, so we can help you find the most timely and appropriate source of information.

We are looking forward to welcoming Year 12 and 13 students and families to Parents’ Evening on 23rd February.

I wish you all very happy and restful half-term. Please note the school is closed to students on Monday 20th February for an INSET Day. We look forward to welcoming students on Tuesday 21st February.

Yours faithfully

Dan Wendon