Important Announcement: Updates to School Uniform

Dear Parent / Carer,
We value high standards and have high expectations of students. This is because we know that having high standards contributes to everyone’s success. Thank you for your support in ensuring that uniform expectations are consistently being met by all students.
I would like to thank you for your feedback around uniform items. We have listened to feedback and are pleased to confirm that we have sourced a high quality, durable and affordable skirt with a smart Liskeard School logo. From September 2023, students choosing to wear a skirt will be required to wear this school skirt. This item will be available to order online from M&S at Liskeard School ( as well as from our local stockists, Glynn Valley and Gilberts Outfitters.
If you would like more information about this skirt or any aspect of uniform, please contact your child’s Head of Year in the first instance.
If you are experiencing difficulties with financing new uniform, you may be eligible for assistance. Please email to request a uniform voucher.
School uniform:
Pale blue school shirt (long or short sleeved).
Black pleated skirt with Liskeard School logo (knee length) or black school trousers (full length). Please note: Trousers should not be made of skin-tight or clingy material.
Black blazer with black buttons.
Black V-neck jumper to be worn under the blazer in winter (optional).
School tie with school logo: red for Years 7-10; blue for Year 11.
Black socks or black tights.
Flat, plain black leather style shoes (trainers and canvas shoes are not permitted).
In addition, no piercings are allowed except one gold or silver stud in each ear lobe. We do not encourage make-up, but where it is worn, it should not be noticeable. False eyelashes are not permitted.
Please remember many of our uniform items are available from our local suppliers, Glynn Valley ( and Gilberts Outfitters (
Please also see the Uniform page on our school website for more information: Uniform.
Thank you for your ongoing support,
Dan Wendon