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Headteacher Letter to Parents/Carers - 31.03.23

Dear parents and families

Excellent expectations

Everyone at Liskeard School has a right to learn and work without disruption or distraction. This is crucial in our aim to provide an excellent education, so we can all live successful and responsible lives. I am delighted that visitors to our school continue to let us know how positive and engaged our students are. As we prepare to welcome Year 6 students to the school in the Summer Term, please feel free to contact the school to book an appointment to come and see the wonderful work our staff and students do every day.


Following feedback from parents, students and staff, we are pleased to announce that from September 2023, we will be up-dating one item of our school uniform. We will be introducing a standard Liskeard School skirt. We are pleased to have sourced a high quality, reasonably priced pleated skirt which will support the uniform expectations and will include a school logo. Further details will follow after the Easter break.

Reporting Bullying

We are committed to stopping bullying in the school and continue to remind students of our ‘See Something, Say Something’ approach. Students can report bullying by telling a member of staff and using our anonymous reporting box by the New Hall. Students and families can use our online reporting tool here.

Best wishes for the holiday

I would like to thank students for their exceptional commitment to learning, developing and extra-curricular activities. I would especially like to thank parents and families for providing the support and guidance essential for students to be successful. I look forward to welcoming students back to school on Monday, 17th April. I wish you all a happy and restful holiday.

Yours faithfully

Dan Wendon