Headteacher Letter to Parents/Carers - 16.01.24

Dear Parents, Carers and Families
As we enter the second full week of the Spring Term, I am delighted to report that students have made a fantastic start back to school. The warmth, positivity, politeness of students is truly inspiring, and I am delighted that students are making the most of their opportunity to get involved in learning and personal development every day.
Punctuality is a very important habit for life and learning, and it is fantastic that the vast majority of students attend their lessons punctually. Attending lessons punctually helps to ensure full access to the curriculum and helps to support effective safeguarding. This term, students have been receiving regular reminders in assemblies and through their tutors and Heads of Year about the importance of punctuality.
During the course of this week, students who are more than three minutes late to lessons will be asked to go to Reflection, where they will have the opportunity to receive teaching and specific advice about improving their punctuality before returning quickly to their lessons. This is for information and guidance only and students will not receive a Reflection sanction.
We understand that there are sometimes genuine reasons for lateness, and we will work with students to understand these. Following this period of teaching and support, from the 22nd January, students who are persistently late to lessons without a reasonable cause will receive a sanction for lateness.
Options Evening
We are very excited to be welcoming Year 9 students and families to our Options Evening on 18th January from 17:00 – 19:00. Please do join us to find out more about the next steps on the path to GCSEs!
Year 11 Progress Evening
We are looking forward to welcoming all of our Year 11 students to their next crucial Progress Evening on 25th January. This evening will be a really useful opportunity to reflect on next steps from the Mock Exams before Christmas.
Yours faithfully
Dan Wendon