Avril Cole - Mathematics Olympiad for Girls

From Avril’s first experiences of mathematics at Liskeard School as a bright, enthusiastic year 7 student, it was rapidly evident that she was someone with unusual talent and remarkable potential. Avril stood out as a student with a rare combination of mathematical curiosity, intuition and focus, the three main characteristics which would develop her into an outstanding mathematician. Over the years that followed, the mathematics team were fortunate to be able to nurture Avril’s talents from year 7 all the way into year 13 - her progress has been a pleasure to witness as she has developed into an accomplished young lady with a glowing future in academia. Her most notable success to date is her recent outstanding achievement in the prestigious UKMT Mathematical Olympiad for Girls (MOG). Avril received a distinction, the highest possible accolade, in what is notoriously the most demanding mathematical challenge on offer in year 13. This is an exceptional achievement and marks the culmination of years of hard work and dedication and represents high praise indeed.
Avril is waiting to attend her interview at Imperial College London but has recently been offered university places at Bristol and Leicester to pursue her passion for physics, which will undoubtedly be the next exciting step to a shining career of discovery. Congratulations Avril!